55 Years, 4 Dual Herding Champions, over 400 AKC Champions

Since 1964 all the Buzzard dogs are ranch raised and always have been. Great temperaments, Big heads, heavy boned. They are balanced cattle dogs that work all day, everyday!
Bertha & Ace

Where records live and opinions die.
3 World Records For Australian Cattle Dogs
20 Grand Champions
Bred over 400 Conformation Champions,
and 4 Herding Champions.

Size DOES Matter
For many years, as Australian Cattle Dogs were developed, there wasn't a written standard for the breed. When the first Australian Cattle Dogs standard was recorded, it called for the dogs to stand about 20 inches tall at the withers. Dogs that didn't measure up, or weren't able to withstand the grueling test of the Australian Outback, consisting of staggering heat, rigorous terrain, poisonous snakes, paralytic ticks, nerve damaging spiders and yes, the highly feared crocodiles, were culled by either man or nature.
The appearance of the Australian Cattle Dog calls for a symmetrically built working dog with a combination of substance, power, balance, hard muscular condition, great agility, strength and endurance. Any tendency to grossness or weediness is a serious fault. Remember, there aren't any little cattle so yes... size DOES matter.

"There are 3 kinds of people...
Those who MAKE things happen,
those who WATCH things happen,
and those who WONDER what happened."
"If they are not bred to be GREAT they will never produce The GREAT."
by W.C. McDonald

Buzzards Smart Little Lena
Ch Buzzards Fire in the Hole
x GCH Buzzards Miss Ellie Can Fly
Reserve Winners Bitch
at the Australian Cattle Dog Specialty 2021 at 9 months old

Best in Specialty Show
2009 ACDCA
CH BISS Buzzards Maximus Red
Handled by Colston Couch at 14 years
Youngest person to ever win a BISS at a National Specialty

CH BISS Buzzards Maximus Red
2007 #1 Red Australian Cattle Dog in All Systems
Sire: CH Buzzards Red Max
Dam: CH Regins Sasakwa Red
Owned by Liz Tackett

Ch Buzzards Hummer
Buzzards Red Ray x Buzzards Red Elmeno
Best of Winners at 6 months of age
National Specialty

Buzzards Sling a Little Mudd
Ch Brokenheart Hollywood Night
Buzzards Taylor Made
Reserve Winners Bitch at 6 months
2011 ACDCA National Specialty

Colston winning 2nd Award of Merit at the age of 9 years old with Ch Buzzards Definitely Devine 2004 The ACDCA Specialty. He is the youngest to ever win such an award.
Ch Buzzards Definitely Devine
Ch Buzzards Sooner Be Red x Ch Buzzards Case of the Blues

Jim Buzzard, Theresa Buzzard-Couch and Colston Couch
Three Generations of Breeders of Merit